The first step is to register for the next PRIME-IL roofing license classes before April 1, 2022. With a 98% pass rate, this is the best option if you want to pass your exam. PRIME-IL also comes with a guarantee that if you don't pass your exam, your next class is FREE!

The registration deadline for classes is a little less than a month before the day of the actual test. The reason for this is that the registration deadline for the test is the same day. So you will need to register for your test right after you register for the PRIME-IL classes. We will help and make sure you are registered for your test.
If you decide not to take PRIME-IL classes, The NRCA recommends purchasing study materials you will need to prepare for the exam. The cost of these materials is over $2,000. Why pay all that money for study materials when PRIME-IL provides you with all the study materials, notepads, pens, highlighters, and calculators you will need. All you need to bring is yourself!
Now that you have registered for PRIME-IL roofing exam prep classes and for your Illinois roofing test, your next step is to show up to classes a few weeks later. Classes are scheduled a few days before your test to keep the information you've learned as fresh as possible.
After finishing your PRIME-IL Classes your next step is to take your Illinois Roofing Exam and pass! PRIME-IL graduates have a 98% pass rate.
Upcoming Registration Deadlines:
Class & Test Registration Deadline: April 1, 2022
Class Dates May 13-15, 2022 Exam Date: May 18, 2022
Book your PRIME-IL Classes today! Give us a call (708) 395-5671 or click book now and fill out the form and someone will contact you.

Always choose Roof Repair Miramar experts because they have licensed and certified staff, who do their job professionally. Moreover, they give a guarantee of their job.