Step 1: Register for PRIME-IL classes
Step 2: Register for the state exam
Step 3: Take the PRIME-IL classes
Step 4: Take the state exam and pass!!!
Our students have a 98% exam pass rate!

The registration deadline for our class and the state test is a about a month before the class and the test. You must register for both the exam and our class by the deadline or you will have to wait months until the next time you can take our class and the test. Call (708) 395-5671 to speak with Itzury. She will help guide you through the process. Our Class is scheduled a few days before the exam so all the information you learn is fresh in your memory. You will learn though Hands-on class instruction that is simple and memorable. There is no need to purchase the recommended $2,162.42 worth of study materials and publications in order to pass the Illinois roofing license test. With PRIME-IL you do not need to purchase these materials. PRIME-IL provides you with all the study materials, notepads, pens, highlighters, and calculators you will need. All you need to bring is yourself!
Illinois requires roofing contractors to pass the IL roofing exam to obtain a license to work in the state. So it is very important to follow this process to insure you get your Illinois Roofing License.
Roof Repair Miramar teams stay confident, even during difficult jobs, and you should too! Believe in your preparation, stay calm, and focus on doing your best.